Hey, guys....I promised that i would post regularly so here it is.....I FINALLY SAW NARNIA!!!!!....twas an awesome stuck to the storyline really well....for those who haven't seen it, i won't ruin the good movie for you....there were some pretty good scenes though.......great movie.....On the way home from Woden, we were talking about the movie and how it related to the gospel and everything....then tara just says: "By the way, did you guys notice all the arm flab on the witch? I mean, she was holding the sword, and her arm was like...*waves hand around*." crack me up...well, that's about what happened today and basically what happened during the time since my last post......well well well, who's a gossip queen eh?.....haha...nay, you'll have to do better than that to convince me.....mwahahahaha.....
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