TK's unoriginal....

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Idea from test.....three words that describe a movie, guess what it is...these are some of my favorites, or something that i've watched recently....have a hazardous guess...some are blatantly obvious...some not..

1. Narcoleptic, True Love, Spectacular- Moulin Rouge (Kitty)
2. Poetry, Party, Overprotective- 10 Things I Hate About You (Von)
3. Mask, Organ, Paris- Phantom of the Opera (Brad)
4. Card, Terrorism, Rogue-Casino Royale (Kitty and Lulu)
5. Father, Spy, Serial- Disturbia (Kitty)
6. Ghost, Death, Hallucination- The Sixth Sense (Lulu)
7. Rejection, Education, Fraud- Accepted (Dot)
8. Alabama, Virus, Ranger- Con Air (Kitty)
9. World, Nuke, Dig- Armageddon (Lulu)
10. Myth, Heel, Peace- Troy (Lulu)
11. Pilot, Girl, Betrayal- Pearl Harbour (Kitty)
12. Massacre, Glory, Arrow- 300 (Tom)
13. Anthropomorphic, Quest, Environmental- Happy Feet (Kitty)
14. Journey, "Horcrux" (the inverted commas are there for a reason), Fantasy- LOTR (Lulu)
15. Violinist, Sea, Napoleon- Master and Commander (Kitty)

Have fun, person to get the most will get a prize...need to get 8 to win....i hope there's a prize....(i'll have to think of a prize)



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