TK's unoriginal....

Monday, January 30, 2006

Last two days

Last two days of won't be able to post as often....not that you guys read it much:P...anyways...ok...last two days....

Mon:Monday was surprisingly eventful the morning i had a violin lesson with richard at my teacher's place.....then we took the bus to woden then to his place....but we could have just waited and took the bus back to his place....but meh!!!!...that's what you get for being impatient....waste of $ asian...anyway....after that i basically bummed around at richards house....saw some random movies funny.....well....went back at about 5 something....bummed around again....then ann and lynn came and picked me up to go to jimmy's....oh man!....we were actually the first ones there!!!....what a record!!!'re never first:P.......anyways...turns out that it was open....and so the dinner came....there was a spider on our table and everyone made a big fuss over it....stupid spider.....then people started coming....Von had a t-shirt that said "DUMP HIM!" oh man...that's to go von:P......I know you're reading this :P.;......throughout the dinner, ling was saying how i didn't eat enough...sif!!!.....then she was like' here, have some food'...and piles up my a mum......:P.....anyw3ay.....well, after we were all well fed, Nick, Von, Ann, Lynn and I went back to vons place....just bummed around.....until like 11:30...then i went home....and ann and lynn stayed over....well...that was Monday...time for tuesday.....

Tues: Today was a bit of a drag because it was the last official day of the holidays for us grammar up reather early....did some practice and bummed around usual.....then i decided to walk over to vons place....but she wasn't i walked back:P....then after a while she called me and said she was FINALLY home....:P....Went over and did a bit of cooking, eating.....von started to do a ling.....mums....*shakes head*....i eat when i'm hungry!!!......anyway....we went to the park after a while....and decided to play truth or dare...we did some weird things.....I played 'Gladiatior' with von because of a dare....and i won without even touching final dare i chickened out of becaseu there were too many people....ah well....i'll do something else next time:P......dont' worry guys:P....well, now i'm at home and i'm typing up this post....that's the holidays pples!!!!...lessons learnt during the past few days.....When you eat, make sure it looks like a that people won't force feed you*cough* von, ling*cough*....anyway.....don't leave the door open when you're out lol......and....GIRLS CAN BE SO CRUEL AND EVIL!!!!! starts pples...cyas....keep commenting and taggin!



Blogger vonbon said...

NOT cruel and evil. very nice and caring instead. i will definitely tell Aunty Barbara what you said about mums. *nods* Then you're in trouble. :P

Still want me to comment? :P Besides, Lynn agrees with me... you don't eat anything. Barely anything, anyway. Thanks for helping cook lunch, btw. 'Twas yummy stuff.

Chicken... now you'll have to do dare with more people there. Those people were complete randoms! You could've embarrassed yourself... *cough*nurseryrhymes*cough*

11:03 PM

Blogger ling said...

hehe... but you eat like nothing! NOTHING... *sigh* how are you going to grow? tsk...
Am not a mum... blegh... yuck... hehe, I affectionally call the term "Elder sister" :P makes me sound younger ^_^ kehe... I'm your elder sister, and you should do what I say RAAAH :P kehehe nice blog skin! with some random anime girl -_-;;

5:24 AM

Blogger vonbon said...

post! post!!! POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOST!!! you have two days. and then... no food *evil cackle* although, you don't eat anyway, so you wouldn't notice lack of food. hmmmm...

5:35 AM

Blogger [ t a r a ] said...

mmmmm.... s l u s h y .... but my opinion still stands about it being a rip off... c'mon 3.50 for a large @ wendy's... can't beat that :P

1:50 AM


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