TK's unoriginal....

Friday, January 20, 2006


Well, today was actually quite borign as well apart form all the things i had to do....well, i accompanied dad to work....and his receptionist gave me work to do.....first, i had to stamp 500 of many letters i had to post the meail and then accompany her to the bank....then came the real fun part lol.......i had to order the drugs in alphabetcal order and destroy the ones which had expired...that too ages....but it was so fun....and ther were so many drugs and all this fun....anyways....after that there was a kind of struggle to see what i could do....i had to blean the microwave....oh ma, shoulda seen the much taht was on that things.....muck on every wall dirty ah....i had to clean it....was much they shoudl be lol.....then i ordered the cupboards above.....there was almost every kind of tea that you could find in australia....jks jks.....anywasy....there was a lot of tea....mainly asian tea though....smelt really nice.....well, after that i went on the net and surfed a bit.....played a bit of solitare....won my first ever game of solitaire:P....hehe....well, after that dad took us to the tradesman in dickson and had dinner....a bit of asian stuff....beef and noodles....mmmmm...nice stuf.....after that we went to play pool with an elderly couple....they whipped us quite badly....hehe....we suck...anyways....that was my day....and quite an eventful and boring one.....lessons learnt.....make sure to check where you're stamping envelopes....J comes before H not after and don't challenge old people to pool because they're sure to beat you to you guys later.....bye!!!!



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