TK's unoriginal....

Sunday, June 04, 2006


Had a pretty good weekend overall

Sat: Went to the Science and Christianity seminar....t'was pretty good....better than expected...lots of things learnt....that pretty much took up the whole day.....although not much of a turnout for Yf pple tho....guess they had their reasons...anyway.....choir after that....wasn't realy singing seing as i'm not in the choir....but you're sounding great guys!! your work!....had yf after that.....was a quiet one but a lot of interesting thigs.....quotes....only one this week...

Nick: It's the way the words were imprinted on the side of her face"

Tara: Is it imprinted? (touches cheek)

hehe....quotes...anyways....yeah...good yf time...thank you Ken Li and Von for helping out with songs!!!! *hugs* ...cant' wait to get new angels and mortals next week!!.....

Sun: Combined service today....Dr. Frank Stootman spoke agaian today...twas another good talk...i enjoyed it....after that...went home...had a BBQ....hong Kong style :P...sittign in front of the wheelbarrow :P.......anyways...that:P....was really good!......after that, went to a movie with lydia......saw X3....wasn't realyl that good....a lot of action but not much plotline....couple of gangs of mutants come out and kill each other....not really that interesting but it had its funny moments.....hehe...golden time was after the credits...we see the final little scene where it always leaves us hanging (wont' spoil it for you for those of you who haven't seen it)....and everythign is silent for 3 seconds and then we hear a"what?"...from some random girl....hehe...was funny :P...anywas....yeah.....had a good time....thanx lyd!! *hugs*....went home and then pretty much went to bed....good nights sleep

Was an eventful weekend.....soemthing from the sermon......
The next time you see a movie, see what it meant to you and what it meant to others and how it would affect them.....



Blogger vonbon said...

i missed Frank Stootman AGAIN?! argh!!!! i hate testing week!

5:14 AM

Blogger vonbon said...

ahaha... i was more going for choir...

9:33 PM


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