TK's unoriginal....

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Just random posting...I'm having a fun old time listening to the evilest piece of all time :P.....hehe...danse macabre....awesome pice....anyway....its' just relaly weird and lol....amazing! :P...back to school already and it's the second day back....not too long now before i get back to actually having to do work now :P.....hehe....more completion of assignemnts....we're all gettign into it :P....not much ahppening....i'm seeing a great deal of people now that i'm back at school....(duh!)...and it's great......anyways...jsut doing work and listening to good music while i do :P....calling up people and tyring to organise things :P....recitals' all good....great to be back at school....i like the wekeends better than the holidays...because weekends are little breaks every now and then and holidays just get boring...but it's relaly good that we have them....maths comp tomorrow....half a day of maths D: maths comp then maths period :(:(...ah well...double music to you all later k


P.S i'll get the rest of the photos to you later.....

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Vietnam pics! (pt 1)

RockYou slideshow | View | Add Favorite

Get the other ones later to ya guys...enjoy!

Monday, July 17, 2006


Well, here's my weekend :P...home alone :P

Sat: Didnt' do much...lazed around the house doing absolutely nothing......i did a lot of computer work tho :P

Sun: Church....always fun.....woden for a hwile...left my bag in sons car :P...bit of a hassle...then went ice skating with lyd....went home and mucked around....

Mon: went bowling with pple....then had pple over for dinner...and now this...

Sorry not a relaly long post but i'm going to try put up some photos of vietnam next time :D


Thursday, July 13, 2006


Sorry i haven't posted for a while guys....i was away...and as you know...i'm jstu completely lazy :P....went to vietnam as also many of you guys would know...wasn't that good...but the food and the shopping was good....bought a few things...nothign really of interest...except the guys try walking across the road with about 20 motocycles in your patha nd a couple of cars...the roads are amazing :P....there's like no order and they get less car crashes than australia much for road rules :P....ltos' of fake stuff...hehe...pirated dvds :P....mmmm...real silk for cheap prices...and annoying vendors who walk up and down the street hitting you :P....was tired when i came back....had a pretty boring week...the most i did was go to soo pirates of the carribean but ended up seeing superman instead :P....saw daniel and ling come out...SORRYIDIDN"T SAY HI GUYS!! :(:(:(..slgihtly busy :P...ah well...that's basically all i did this week...nat's here!.....for those of you who dont' know who nat is...she's a bratty little sydney girl..hehe..jks jks....she's a nice person....lifelong friends...awesome person...anwyas....we're going to have dinner soon...and the wongs are coming over for that....ah well...i'll post later...i know this shoudl be longer but come on!...i have guests over :P



Sorry i haven't posted for a while guys....i was away...and as you know...i'm jstu completely lazy :P....went to vietnam as also many of you guys would know...wasn't that good...but the food and the shopping was good....bought a few things...nothign really of interest...except the guys try walking across the road with about 20 motocycles in your patha nd a couple of cars...the roads are amazing :P....there's like no order and they get less car crashes than australia much for road rules :P....ltos' of fake stuff...hehe...pirated dvds :P....mmmm...real silk for cheap prices...and annoying vendors who walk up and down the street hitting you :P....was tired when i came back....had a pretty boring week...the most i did was go to soo pirates of the carribean but ended up seeing superman instead :P....saw daniel and ling come out...SORRYIDIDN"T SAY HI GUYS!! :(:(:(..slgihtly busy :P...ah well...that's basically all i did this week...nat's here!.....for those of you who dont' know who nat is...she's a bratty little sydney girl..hehe..jks jks....she's a nice person....lifelong friends...awesome person...anwyas....we're going to have dinner soon...and the wongs are coming over for that....ah well...i'll post later...i know this shoudl be longer but come on!...i have guests over :P


Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Hey, haven't posted for a while....been to many of you who come here would know....but yeah...vietnam was alright...did a lot of useless shopping and did a few tours...some nice places and some interesting religion and history....but tha'ts alright...not too bad a back on monday...pretty much slept for the whole of that day....then came tuesday and not exactly an interesting day apart form sleeping in, feelign jetlagged, trying to see a movie and realisign that there were no more seats...conspiring to sneak into the wrong cinema by "accident"...having Tses over for dinner and staying at our place for a while....and a cheap yet good dinner......and now it's wednesday.....and i did absolutely nothing today...absolutely nothing at all...nathania's peering over ym shoulder and watching as i post this....i got my webcam working tho...that was cool....i need a hobby....someone invite me over to their house :P...ther'es a good idea:P.....