TK's unoriginal....

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Another one, this time tara will attempt this one....

1. Accent, War, Letters- Captain Corelli's Mandolin (Tara)
2. Gangs, Love, Rivalry- West Side Story (Tara)
3. Reality, Awakening, Oppression- The Matrix (Lulu)
4. Stalker, Obsession, Developer- One Hour Photo (Tessa)
5. Double, Infidelity, Pregnancy
6. Confession, Mafia, Fatherhood- Road To Perdition (Brad)
7. Culture, Windex, Ouzo- My Big Fat Greek Wedding (Tara)
8. Navy, Obstacle, Training
9. Jealousy, Tragedy, Disaster- Titanic (Tara)
10. Discrimination, Unity, Co-operation- Remember the Titans (Nate)

Have fun yet again guys....try to see if you can watch these movies...they're good....kudos to whoever can guess number 8. it's a great movie...i made the clues a bit easier...


Sunday, August 26, 2007

things i love:

Good music
crappy quotes
funny moments
black humor
history between people
my beloved
computer games

things i hate:

memorising lines

i miss you already...


P.S the movie thing is still going

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Another tara's'd better do this one properly tara...some are pretty abstract

1. Treasure, Lantern, Betrayal- National Treasure (Kitty)
2. Responsibility, Costume, Science- Spiderman (Nate)
3. History, Robot, Fugitive- Terminator (Nate)
4. Amnesia, Training, Multi-lingual- The Bourne Identity (Kitty)
5. Vacation, Bathtub, Luggage
6. Record, Opposites, Star- Music and Lyrics (Kitty)
7. Boxing, Dock, Priest- Cinderella Man (Kitty)
8. Satirical, Spouse, Confrontation
9. Adultery, Fugitive, Flashback- The Good German (Peeta)
10. Fantasy, Bees, Kingdom- Bridge to Terbithia (Nate)
11. Apocalyptic, World, Idealism- An Inconvenient Truth (Lulu)
12. Assassin, Conscience, Friendship- Matador (Kitty)

good luck all


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Well done to:

Kitty (Katrine Ross)
Lulu and
Dot (for getting the last say)

I'll have to think about stuff to get you guys :P


Idea from test.....three words that describe a movie, guess what it is...these are some of my favorites, or something that i've watched recently....have a hazardous guess...some are blatantly obvious...some not..

1. Narcoleptic, True Love, Spectacular- Moulin Rouge (Kitty)
2. Poetry, Party, Overprotective- 10 Things I Hate About You (Von)
3. Mask, Organ, Paris- Phantom of the Opera (Brad)
4. Card, Terrorism, Rogue-Casino Royale (Kitty and Lulu)
5. Father, Spy, Serial- Disturbia (Kitty)
6. Ghost, Death, Hallucination- The Sixth Sense (Lulu)
7. Rejection, Education, Fraud- Accepted (Dot)
8. Alabama, Virus, Ranger- Con Air (Kitty)
9. World, Nuke, Dig- Armageddon (Lulu)
10. Myth, Heel, Peace- Troy (Lulu)
11. Pilot, Girl, Betrayal- Pearl Harbour (Kitty)
12. Massacre, Glory, Arrow- 300 (Tom)
13. Anthropomorphic, Quest, Environmental- Happy Feet (Kitty)
14. Journey, "Horcrux" (the inverted commas are there for a reason), Fantasy- LOTR (Lulu)
15. Violinist, Sea, Napoleon- Master and Commander (Kitty)

Have fun, person to get the most will get a prize...need to get 8 to win....i hope there's a prize....(i'll have to think of a prize)


Monday, August 13, 2007

There is no other....
I'll miss you...

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

It's been a while since i've updated on this thing. Lately it's been neglected and abandoned, simply because of the huge post that i put up after my holidays. Huh...not much has happened but i fely it an obligation to write at least something, even though it is total rubbish what i put on this site. But hey, you guys read it for funsies anyway. Right now, having a look at tara's photos from her birthday and some of them are slightly scary to be honest. and just then tara tried to write "tara is the best"...i think i'll put it on anyway just for the heck of it....I really dont' want to do work at the moment...i dont' want a lot of things....i also want a lot of thing...i want the next session to start...i dont' want to have to do chemistry major pracs....i want today to be over...i really really really don't want her to leave....i want to sleep...i dont' want to spend my life getting a uai and then not knowing what i'm going to do with it.....lame...stupid's killing me.....i'll just go to my pillar for support....stay strong people....


"Nothing worth having comes easy"