TK's unoriginal....

Saturday, October 13, 2007

i think i've rejected the blog for the entirety of the holidays/ must feel lonely....

well, i think that was prehaps the most uneventful holidays be honest, everyone seems quite psyched up about their school work....but then again...who can blame them...

the most eventful days have been the past few....and a couple back in the last week....

Zone 3 and badminton days.....those were awesome....the first one being zone 3 where moses kinda dominated everything....i'll get h;im back someday...and then rush hour 3 with tom/....which was hillarious :P....good movie people....shoudl watch it if you have time....

all the badminton days were exceptional....i enjoy my's good to play with some different people for a socialising as well....

went out with lissy to watch hairspray....which frankly surprised me because i thought it was going to be a crap movie. but it turned out to be quite interesting.....also another good movie....if you haven't seen it, go do that!....but yes....good to see a movie with lissy....had a good time.....i should have eaten something filling that day....and also....bah!....cinema ettique...~waves hand airily~

went over the marky's house and had a lan....good fun it was.....very good fun....of course, i ended up getting dominated...but still fun!...HALO 3....omg..~dances a geeky excitement awesome....and that day i also went to moriya's place with her and jen....made pizza....watched scrubs....tried to keep them awake for as long as possible....weak was a good night.....

and well....that's the summary of my holidays....a grad totaly of about 5 days of eventfullness within the two awesome :P....oh'll be good to get back into ome work....i've been slacking off....need to do my creative and my composition

anyway, talk laterz...

have a good term people!


Monday, October 01, 2007

oh man, what a week

kinda busy....right at the moment i am really just bummed....for certain reasons.....but then again, it's holidays, so i shoudl be feeling good right?

oh well....not all things that start well end well....and whatever choices that you make will afect the people around you....not always for the better...

be careful of what you do what you do and make the right decisions
