TK's unoriginal....

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


morning.....slept in heaps....until 9:45 or so and then went to woden for lunch with lulu....walked aroudn woden until about 3 or so then went to civic...there we bought dvds and a book.....then went to watch casino royale.....again :P....i'm tired so that's my post....if you wish to hear the finer points of this day check out lulu's blog:


Sunday, December 17, 2006's only 11 and i'm trying to post here :P...ahhh...interesting...the week passed by pretty smoothly....

Wed: Tom came over and we bummed around including walking over to richard's place and walking back....

Thurs: went to see casino royale with peeta and lia....then had a semi-quartet rehearsal afterwards with certain people....*cough* bradley*cough*...taking their leave for certain reasons :P...*cough*katrine*cough*....anyway....

Fri: had a quartet gig which earned me enough money to last another week....robbie got lost with substantial contribution from yours truly and spent 20 mins trying to get to the school of music :P

Sat: Mawson outreach....specail congrats to the choir who did a fantastic job and to all the people who contributed to making this day awesome~!

Sun: early start to the day with going to church to practice worship and doing so and sittign through heaps of baptisms...names are: wye li, ken li, aunty ping,rachael, siaw yien, yvonne(not von who has already been baptised) jarred, dev and jonathon. congrats to all....nice sermon by pastor ricky....tehn went over to jules' place....then went to jimmy's./..then to ken li's house.....exciting day...

that was my week in a's late so i'm not going to say much more...cyu guys me! :P..


Thursday, December 14, 2006

ripped off tara

Another thing ripped off tara.....

. . About You . . *

Eye Color:: dark brown

Hair Color:: brown/black

Height::167 cm

Favorite Color:: purple

Screen Name:: TK

Favorite Band:: none

Favorite Movie: I still have to decide

Favorite Show:: Naruto

Your Car:: none

Your Hometown:: Canberra ACT

Your Present Town:: Canberra

Your Crushes First Name:: ask me personally and maybe I might tell you

Your Grade:: 11 next year.

Your Style:: no idea….

* . . Have You Ever . . *

Sat on your rooftop?: yes

Kissed someone in the rain?: no

Danced in a public place?: yes

Smiled for no reason?: yes

Laughed so hard you cried?: yes

Peed your pants after age 8?:no

Written a song?: yes

Sang to someone for no reason?: yes

Performed on a stage?: yes, many a time

Talked to someone you don't know?: yes

Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: yes

Made out in a theatre?: no

Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: yes

Been in love?: yes

* . . Who was the last person to . . *

Say HI to you?: darsha

Tell you, I love you?: peeta

Kiss you?: no-one

Hug you?: peeta

Tell you BYE?: darsha

Write you a note?: bradley

Take your photo?: dad

Call your cell phone?: robbie

Buy you something?: haha…good joke

Go with you to the movies?: peeta

Sing to you?: no-one has sung to me specifically

Write a poem about you?: nate :P

Text message you?: Brad

Touch you?: peeta

* . . What's the last . . *

Time you laughed?: today

Time you cried?: ages ago

Movie you watched?: con air

Joke you told?: cant’ remember

Song you've sang?: Sin’t she lovely, Idea of North

Time you've looked at the clock?: 3 seconds ago

Drink you've had?: apple soda

Number you've dialed?: darsha’s

Book you've read?: Deja Dead

Food you've eaten?: rice and fish

Flavor of gum chewed?: spearmint

Shoes you've worn?: runners

Store you've been in?: Rebel sports

Thing you've said?: "cya later"

* . . Can You . . *

Write with both hands?: yeah…alright

Whistle?: yes

Blow a bubble?: yes

Roll your tounge in a circle?: yes

Cross your eyes?: no

Touch your tounge to your nose?: no

Dance?: not well

Gleek?: um

Stay up a whole night without sleep?: yes

Speak a different language?: canto, mando…my mando is a bit scratchy tho

Impersonate someone?: heck yes!

Prank call people?: yes

Make a card pyramid?: yes

Cook anything?: yes

* . . Finish The Line . . *

If i were a ...:girl, I wouldn’t’ be here

I wish ...: that bundah will be great! :D.

So many people don't know that ...: I have secret talents :S

I am ...: hungry

My heart is ...: open.

"Marriage is give and take. You'd better give it to her or she'll take it anyway."
-Joey Adams

Saturday, December 09, 2006

holdiays are good...goinbg strong...not a boring day yet....and not one coming up either....once i find stuff to do :P....hehe...i'll update later i guys tell me what to update about


Thursday, December 07, 2006

interesting....after school and the holidays are finally here....
Wed: Slept in till ages 11...or 10:30....then at about 12 went down to the bus stop expecting to get to woden at about 12:20....thge bus finally came at 12:30 and arrived at woden at 12:40!!.....stupid buses...well....met peeta at woden...walked around until 1:30 then went ice skating...saw jude there with his....partner :P....did a fantastical stack on the ice.....hehe....anyway...that was a late lunch at woden afterwards...i just realized how indecicive i really am :P...anyway...that was basically that day

Thurs: went over the richard's place and tried to play oblivion...worked and i'm notw a very accurate and deadly deer hunter :P...came back home after getting a wii and now i'm here posting....

So far it's been an eventful holidays and i'm looking forward to doing things with people...and earning money from quartet....if anyone wants to do something then just give me a shout! :D


Tuesday, December 05, 2006


all can appraise my exams results and tell me how badly i did :P./..except for chinese :P

Maths: 71% (topped class)
English: 80% (topped class)
Science: 53% (got absolutely smashed)
History: 60% (not that bad actually)
Geography: 70% (also not bad)
French: 63% (i suck at french)
Music: 88% (2nd in year)
Chinese: 95% (topped year)

all in all i'm ok wiht it i only failed one exam and that was PE with a 45% :P but's pe yeah...leave comments pples :P


Sunday, December 03, 2006


well it was a pretty good weekend...went to braidwood....spend the whole time gettign there sleeping and listning to there and we got an awesome room in the hotel....twas great...and we had a great concert.....afterwards we bought heaps of lollies and ate most of them on the trip while playing cards all the way...and got back and went to lulu's b-day party and it was really good....i would do a lot of talking but that would invlove effort but it' was absolutely great....thanks to lulu, jess and both parents for an awesome time....!!! :D:D:D....and now i'm on my last day of school and i got a few exams back....did alirhgt in them...topped maths in my class which is the same average mark as the extension guys....but still good....and just a few more to go....i'll get back to you guys later...cheers...