Soooo eventful....lots to post about....should shrink it down
Fri(yes....counts as the weekend):
Started off with going to good friday service....what a way to start the weekend :P...spent good friday service listening to awesome message....even though it was on the same thing every year, still really good ^_^...after service i went out to civic and met up with a bunch of friends to watch a movie....which turned out not to be a movie but just lazing around in civic and getting asked by the security guards whether we were gambling.....nice security guards.... :P
today....spent the whole day with my punpkin eater^_^....travelled by bus to belconnen and managed to skive off paying bus fare by showing the bus driver my only piece of currency....a $50 note the belconnen interchange and had to catch a bus-cab because the bus driver was out of town....listened to the driver complain about him all the way to hawker.
Driver: And the bloody driver said that he was in wollongong! D:<
Tim: ~nods in agreement~ 8-)
got to hawker and found out that i coudl watch kung fu hussle and V for Vendetta....not bad movies...went back to my pumpkin eater's house and made a really good chocolate cake and some blueberry muffings with more blueberries than muffin inside. and because of pumpkin eater is now my muffin eater :P....we watched V for vendetta and godzilla....all good movies and i had to give massage T_T :P
TK: Oh no....nuh uh..
P: M-m-m-massage... ^^
TK: ~helpless~
....and then just lazed around until 11:30....i know....11:30 :P....
Sun: Church for easter sunday service....aunty faith forgot to pick me up... :P...that's ok....went to church....looked at people who woke up at 4 in astonishment....went through service while singing softly....(8) because he lives....(8).....afterwards went over to the ice skating rink to catch up wiht people to find out that they weren't there :O....musta meant friday....anyway....we tried to start von's car but it just didn't....called in for help and uncle tony came.,...tried to jumpstart and didnt' von called uncle david and voila! started.....uncle david's magic touch i say back home and waited for ken li to pick me up....and then he drove really fast because he thought he was late when he was really just on tiome....a fine line between punctuality and tardiness.... :P
Got to the AIS and did a really cool easter service and met all the amazing atheletes....and dinner afterwards~_~....
Dinner was good....went to ruby's....had a good feed.....funny events eating with church people :P...highlight was:
Me: ~walking to bathroom~
Uncle Paul: So Tim, how was your chinese?
Me: ~turns shocked~
UP: oh not son tim..
scary thing was....i had my chinese oral on thursday...~shivers~
Mon: Not eventful....went and saw 300 with moses and tom...was alirght....not much of a plot....
And that is my post for the long weekend....i shoudl probably go steal some random survey :P