TK's unoriginal....

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?

Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling.

Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult.

Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery.

If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?

Everyone needs believe in something. I believe I'll have another beer.

Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died.

When I was kidnapped, my parents snapped into action. They rented out my room.

If your wife wants to learn to drive, don't stand in her way.

Men should be like Kleenex, soft, strong and disposable.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Girls are like phones. We love to be held, talked too but if you press the wrong button you'll be disconnected!

The average woman would rather have beauty than brains, because the average man can see better than he can think.

There are no stupid questions, just stupid people

It takes 46 muscles to frown but only 4 to flip 'em the bird.

When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car.

What are the three words guaranteed to humiliate men everywhere?
'Hold my purse.'

Men are like bank accounts.
Without a lot of money they don't generate a lot of interest.

What you call dog with no legs?
Don't matter what you call him, he ain't gonna come.

"Flying is simple. You just throw yourself at the ground and miss."


Thursday, August 24, 2006


I always knew energy played an important role in productivity. Being a health fanatic, I have been pursuing ways to increase the level and quality of energy in my days through exercise, motivational programs and careful diet control. This process of maximizing my general energy has allowed me to steadily build up more and more energy to greater productivity. After some of my recent research, I know believe that there were a few key areas I could use to ensure maximum productivity.

Cycle of Energy

My first mistake was that I didn’t truly understand that energy management, unlike time management, is a cyclical process, not a linear one. Time management, being linear, is simply the process of organizing and prioritizing your day so that you can get the more value in a shorter unit of time. In other words, your goal with time management is to effectively compress, organize and prioritize activities for maximum efficiency.

Energy management doesn’t work that way. Energy works in a similar system as a currency like money. In other words, after you’ve spent it, you need to regain some more before you try to spend again. Otherwise you end up going into a deficit. Energy deficits aren’t pretty. You know you are in an energy deficit when you are tired, irritable, stressed, frustrated and generally unenthusiastic. Ultimately a check and balance must be made. When your body, mind, emotions and spirit finally declare bankruptcy, you crash and burn out as the eventual price of poor energy management is.

The cycle of perfect energy management is one where you are fully engaged and using all of your resources for maximum productivity, followed by a period of intensive recovery where you regain all of your energy for the task ahead. Is this what most people do? No, of course not. Most people in today’s fast-paced world think that they can short-change the energy recovery process. Going further and further into energy deficit, they somehow believe that these rules of energy management don’t apply to them.

So the first key to effective energy management is to install habits into your life that promote cycles of deep engagement followed by recovery. Without this balance in the cycle, the system becomes unstable. Creating these habits means developing a ritual for recovering your energy. This could be as simple as sitting back and relaxing for fifteen minutes or doing some light exercise. I have talked before about how I take one day off per week. Although I didn’t realize it at the time, this is an essential tool for creating that positive cycle of energy management.

Stress and Conditioning

The key to energy management is more than just managing the energy you currently have, it is in increasing your supply of energy. Being able to devote more energy, concentration and flow to an activity is the primary goal of energy management. To increase your energy, you must stretch it beyond its current capacity, and then recover it. This stretching of capacity is what most people refer to as stress.

You mean stress is a good thing? Yes, I mean exactly that, but only in a temporary situation. Temporary stress, followed by recovery builds muscles. Most people, however, go into a state of constant stress. Constant stress does not build muscles, it kills you. Prolonged stress has been medically connected with suppressing autoimmune functions of the body which increases the chances of illness and disease.

I recently read a fitness article where the author stated that many people who fail to build muscle might be working out too much, rather than not enough. By ignoring the recovery phase their body couldn’t adapt to the process and couldn’t improve. A similar thing happens to people who do not use a cycle of progressive conditioning to handle their stress. The increased energy capacity doesn’t come from the stress, it comes from the recovery after the stress.

By operating with this progressive conditioning you can slowly, but surely, increase your capacity for energy. Start by finding what you current capacity for energy is and then push yourself to a little above this level. So if you find it difficult to maintain complete concentration for more than thirty minutes, make your goal thirty-five. Just remember to recover after this period to reap the benefits of this stretching.

Energy is More Than Just Physical

The final point that really hit on me from reading this book and doing further research was one that I already knew but couldn’t really articulate. Energy is more than just the physical energy you use from exercising. There are other levels of energy that work in similar fashion but are equally important. Tony Schwartz and Jim Loehr point to four main characteristics of energy: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. I disagree somewhat with their exact classification of what each of them means, so I will substitute my own interpretation for some.

Physical - This is the primary and most fundamental source of energy. Physical energy is regulated by diet, exercise and sleep. This energy is tapped regardless of whether the task is physical. Most of us do not do particularly physically demanding jobs, but physical energy is still incredibly important. Physical energy describes the capacity for energy.

Mental - Mental energy is your ability to concentrate, analyze and be creative. These higher level faculties basically describe the quality and clarity of your thinking. Mental energy is necessary for all of us, despite our career or hobbies. I believe that mental energy is essential the focus or direction of the energy we have. Mental energy can be increased through the stress and conditioning method, through challenging mental study and tasks, deep learning and creative activities.

Emotional - Emotional energy is your ability to control and maintain your emotions. People with a high amount of emotional energy will be positive, enthusiastic and happy. Low amounts of this energy are the manifestations of anger, despair and frustration. If physical energy represents capacity, mental represents direction, then emotional represents quality. A high degree of energy that is directed in a negative manner with hateful or angry emotions is incredibly draining and destructive.

Spiritual - I really like Tony and Jim’s definition of spiritual energy. Here they bring up spiritual energies not as being a religious or metaphysical type of energy but the energy we get when we are associated with purpose. I have previously mentioned how important I feel purpose is to our lives. Regardless of your spiritual beliefs, purpose seems to be a necessary ingredient to live successfully. As the two authors point out, purpose and spiritual energy is the most important and most powerful form of energy. With a strong sense of purpose, energy can be created even when there is barely any physical, mental or emotional capacity. Spiritual energy represents the power or force of energy.

The distinction between viewing energy as a simple manner of physical capacity, to a complex, multi-dimensional quality gives us a lot more power to control it. Surely improving your health and physical vitality can give enormous energy, but that energy cannot be utilized unless the other three aspects are put into full effect.

With this knowledge in hand, I think there are a great number of opportunities for getting more energy and therefore more production and value out of life. I will probably be exploring some of these ideas by conditioning some new habits in the upcoming months. I have already started a morning run to energize my mornings, but there are so many other ideas to consider.

A few simple ideas I have been thinking of to maximize this new information would be:

  • Constructive Disengagement - Full engagement is using all of your resources and can only be maintained for a short burst. By experimenting with some constructive disengagement techniques, it may be possible to speed up the energy recovery process. This could mean completely involving your mind or body in a pursuit that has no relationship with the task you expended energy on. I know many people use similar techniques in reading fiction, painting or meditating. The one tricky property of energy is sometimes that it is best regained not by doing nothing, but by doing something completely different.
  • Shorter Work Cycles - Although with school and various activities I rarely could work longer than ninety minutes at a time, I had planned on working about eight hours each day during the summer (mostly on this website). Now I am questioning whether a method that would have a ninety minute period of work followed by fifteen to thirty minutes of rest may be more productive in the long run.
  • Goal Breaks - I am a constant and habitual goal setter. Goal setting is a powerful tool for achieving focus and results but I also notice that it does require a lot of energy. It may be beneficial to go through a long term cycle of goal setting followed by curious exploration and wandering. I have mentioned previously how I felt straying away from goal setting for periods could improve lateral growth, but I am now also questioning whether it could also increase the long term sources of energy.

I tend to write in a very authoritative tone which is somewhat misleading. I think this sometimes makes it sound as if I believe I have all the answers. This is far from the truth. I do believe that my abundance of research and experimentation (which is actually fairly rare…) have given me some insights into personal development that I like to share, but I am also aware of the sheer amount of new information I am finding every single day. I have added a new category for energy management in this blog as I hope to keep you updated on what I find.

I think if you wanted to know how to use this information, I would start by working on your physical energy. Most people in the West are currently overweight and very sickly. Clearly there is incredible room for improving, what is likely the most important aspect in your energy levels. If you are already in fairly good condition, this might be a time at looking how you can improve many of the other aspects of your own energy levels from stimulating your mind, controlling your emotions and creating a compelling purpose.

Energy management continues to be a subject that fascinates me, especially with the recent addition of this new information. By understanding the cycles of energy we can stay filled with energy and avoid burnout. Undertaking conditioning and progressive increments of stress followed by deep restoration we can even expand our capacity for energy. Finally, by recognizing the multi-dimensional aspects of energy you can really take control of a force that guides your life.

(Posted in Personal Development, Health and Fitness, Energy Management at 6:21 pm by Scott Young)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


gah!...lots of work....ah's not too bad...jsut as long as i get it done early.... not much happening

Friday: school...johann's b-day't have cake because of 40 hour famine....i went overtime about 5 mins but it's still good :P....grrrr...stupid yummy cake...all black forest and eerything.... D: ><...wah

Sat: usual....yf was good...hungry...but good....brought back lotsa bread...thank you lynn! :D:D:D....thanks george for leading BS!!

Sun: church...then lunch at chinese kitchen....debated over von's formal quite a bit :P...twas funny...for me anyway :P....i ate sooo

Mon: NOOOOOOO...schoool!...get away from me...." Avant thee from mine sight"!!...yeah, anyway....that's that...stupid maths and science...yay!...good violin lesson! :D:D

Tues: symphony....failing :P...buta ths' alright...others fail too...jsut i fail worse :P...choir today got up and sang....nice work guys! btw, lulu..."aura of protectiveness" :P


so should study....stupid tests and 30% assessment...i'll get over it...cant' wait till the wekeend....only two days away :P....HOUSE!


btw, i love you all! :D

Thursday, August 17, 2006

antoher survey...

The world around you

Today is..: Thursday

The time is..:
Where are you? home

Is there anyone else around? johann

What song is on the radio/cd/mp3 or in your head? True North

Are there any lights on in the room? yes

Is it, or was it a sunny day? yup

Is it or will there being a full moon tonight? nope

How long since the phone rang? 1 minute

Can you see any cars? nope

About you

Name..: Tim Kwan

Home..: fine fine....

Hospital you were born in..: Canberra (the blown up one)

Star sign..: Gemini!

Your hair is..: Black

Your feet are..: Small

What is so special about you? I’m not special :P

Short or tall? shortish

Got any hidden talents? Not really

1st 10 names which come into your head..: Brad, Richard, Nay, Tara, Yvonne, Lydia, Katrine, Darsha, Ian, Lulu

Put those names in the order that you met them: Nay, Yvonne, Lydia, Richard, Darsha, Lulu, Brad, Tara Katrine, Ian

Who of them did you see yesterday? Lydia, Richard, Darsha, Brad

Who was the last one to message or call you? Lydia

Have any of them saved your life? no

Who is the closest in age to you? Lydia

Who lives closest? Richard (by 2 or 3 metres :P)

Who lives the furthest away? Brad (Gunghalin)

More questions..

What did you dream about last night? Friends…wont’ elaborate

When & where was the last time you fell over? Ice skating ages ago

When & where was the last time you cried? yesterday

Have you ever danced in the rain? yes

Have you ever performed in front of more than 50 people? yes

Do you sing in the shower? yes

Do you like photos? no

How many days since you've had McDonalds? A month?

How much money do you have in the bank? No idea

How often do you talk to strangers? often

Had any old people hit on you? Hope not

Your future

Want to get married? yes

Want to have kids? yes

How many? 2-3

Tell us about your dream girl/guy: talkative, nice, flexible, not picky

What is your dream job? Got no idea

Where will you be in 24 hours? here

Where will you be this time next week? here

Where will you be in a year’s time? Most probably here

Where will you be in 3 years time?: maybe here but maybe somewhere else

Monday, August 14, 2006


His mouth is a no-go area. It's like kissing the Berlin Wall
- Helena Bonhem Carter on Woody Allen

There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.
- Henry Kissinger

He has a face like a Saint - A Saint Bernard.
- Unknown

A fellow with the inventiveness of Albert Einstien, but with the attention span of Daffy Duck.
- Tom Shale on Robin Williams

If I found her floating in my pool, I'd punish my dog.
- Joan Rivers on Yoko Ono

God does not play dice with the universe.
- Albert Einstien

She is as wholesome as a bowl of cornflakes and at least as sexy.
- Dwight McDonald on Doris Day

If you can't convince them, confuse them.
- President Harry S Truman

Start every day off with a smile and get it over with.
- W C Fields

He had the compassion of an icicle and the generosity of a pawnbroker.
- S J Perelman on Groucho Marx

Avoid all needle drugs. The only dope worth shooting is Richard Nixon.
- Abbey Hoffman

Who picks your clothes - Stevie Wonder?
- Don Rickles

Breasts like Granite and a brain like Swiss Cheese
- Billy Wilder on Marilyn Monroe

The thief of bad gags.
- Walter Winchell on Milton Berne

I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born
- Ronald Reagan

He's proof that there's life after death.
- Mort Sahl on Ronald Reagan

The only genius with an IQ of 60.
- Gore Vidal on Andy Warhol

He's so ugly they ought to donate his face to the world wildlife fund.
- Muhammad Ali on Joe Frazier

She's so stupid she returns bowling balls because they've got holes in them.
- Joan Rivers on Bo Derek

For every action there is an equal and opposite government program.
- Bob Wells

Can't act. Slightly bald. Can dance a little.
- Screen Tester on Fred Astaire

An empty suit that goes to funerals and plays golf.
- Ross Perot on Dan Quayle

Most of the time he sounds like he has a mouth full of toilet paper.
- Rex Reed on Marlon Brando

He could start a row in an empty house
- Sir Alex Ferguson on footballer Dennis Wise

When Kissinger can get the Nobel Peace Prize, what is there left for satire?
- Tom Lehrer on Henry Kissinger

Shaw writes his plays for the ages, the ages between five and twelve.
- George Nathan on George Bernard Shaw

He is to acting what Liberace was to pumping iron.
- Rex Reed on Sylvester Stallone

What makes him think a middle aged actor, who's played with a chimp, could have a future in politics?
- Ronald Reagan commenting on Eastwood's bid to become mayor of Carmel

Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
- Shakespeare

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Dumplings dumplings

DUMPLINGS!!!....twas really internet is about to cut off so i'll be was like the highlight of my week.....hehe...cornflour everywhere....haha....a few of us filled the leftover pastries and made dumplings with pastry inside them....and a few bits of creaming soda, i cracked myself laughing when james got both yeah....we played a lot of pool and lost quite a few times :P...we suck :P......thank you nick for organizing and thank you joyce for also organizing and HAPPY BIRTHDaY JOYCE!!!!!.:D:D:D.....thank you ann for driving and thank youse all for a great time....haha...creaming soda dumplings :P...awesome :P


Thursday, August 10, 2006

~sick and obsessive~

mmm....i'm sick....i'll get better..... i did a lot of work a lot done.....good productive day today....and i'm posting because tara told me to update.... >.<....I had a RAVE day on tuesday...lots of debatable about we debate on this for a while....would you genetically modify your child at all?....such as get rid of birth dysfunctions or create immunities to diesases?...think about it guys....

Also learnt that there are supposedly different types of intelligence:

1: Languages: you can be very intelligent in languages and be absolutely crap at your mother
tongue...just a grasp of languages wiht ease

2: Maths: You have anatural ability to grasp numerical problems and maths quotients

3: Kinestheitic (may have spelt wrong): you have a knakc for hand-eye co-ordination and will most probably be good at sport requiring co-ordination

4: Art/Music: An intelligence in art/drawing/painting and music/instrument/ can be intellignet in this area when you are proficient at music or art and master it with ease

5: Spacial: You can be spacially intellignet. e.g mechanics can sort out nuts and bolts from a pile and find pairs easily if spacially intelligent e.g2 architects can design a house and tell whether there is enough space or not if spacially intelligent

6: Interpersonal: Can read other people and be intelligent by being able to analyse other people well and correctly

7: Intrapersonal: Intelligence with being able to know yourself and your boundaries/limits very very well

8: Science: Ability to do science well....know how things work...why they don't work...

9: Environment: know how to read your surroundings and act upon the environment around you

Well, what do you guys think you are more like...everyone is a bit of each...but most are one more than the others....i'm not very intrapersonal so it took me a while to figure out which ones i were...well...tag and tell us what you think


Sunday, August 06, 2006

~cell block tango~ the name suggests...i am currently listening to the cell block tango :P...anyway......interesting friday...tara's b-day party...that was kool....nice work tara/ ken li/ anyone else who organised it.....twas really good....yay!...i mingled!!!:D:D...hehe...met some people whom i had heard about but not met :P...that was pretty cool....met matt, wein, katie, lin, Matt a.k.a blue :S (i'd met him before...sorta :P)....saw qutie a few people there....that was good...on the way home quotes :P

Me: Daniel looks like you von
Von: No, daniel looks like daddy and I look like daddy
Me: ...

hehe...ncie work von.....Saturday came up and was pretty uneventful but still alright tho....i kinda gave up on theory so now i dont' have to do less to worry about....yf!!!!!!...yay!! :D:D....first yf of term three it was....was pretty cool....many controversial issues involving anger,,,,and how nager can be extremely constructive...anger is not a sin but it depends on what comes after...yeha...good BS guys......didn't see a few people there however ~glares~......anyway....yeah...that was saturday gone....(wkends go by so fast)....sunday came and church came....i liked the sermon...i looked at the wavelength thingy the whole time :P...well...most of the a few sponsors for the 40 hour famine...(btw, you guys shoudl do that :P)....yeah and them tom came over....goodio...sorry i missed out on soccer guys!! was that btw?....and now i'm here typing up this post....and talking to strange strange people...and being slightly sick...but i'll live.....week before was also rather interesting....went to peeta's house and met eleanor properly for the first time....ncie to meet you! :D :P....nto that she comes here...well...i'll catchas all later...


I'll still love you all in the morning!!! (although some more than others :P)